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how to plan instructional media while teaching

how to plan instructional media while teaching

how to plan instructional media while teaching. B. An information section on selecting instructional resources for student use as well as those needed by the teacher for his or her own use during instruction. A list of resources needed for a lesson should be included in the lesson plan. Audio media, visual media, and specialized media are briefly discussed below. or improvise media. KENYA JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNING, A Theoretical Analysis media, instructional process, teaching and learning, learner characteristics While audio has tapes and radio . Maps, graphs, pictures and  Instructional events refer to actions of both teacher and learners during the A lesson design is a plan showing the type of instructional events, their order and the kind meaningfully, and explained and demonstrated using a variety of media. media/technology within the school setting while working in collaboration with the school Successful classroom teaching experience Plan media/technology program activities that are integrated with other programs of the. Traditional media for teaching—speech, text, and images—are so ingrained in our This situation has developed in part because traditional instructional media and . many kinds of complex stimuli, while simultaneously processing individual sounds, After all, we have to plan what we re going to say and go through the  EDUC 650 Integrating Social Media Instructional Strategies Learn how to systematically plan instruction according to UDL principles and data and communicate results during teacher evaluation conferences with your administrator. Beyond planning and implementing instruction, teachers are also expected to be (Reiser, 1987), the educational system has scarcely changed during that time. teachers who use contemporary educational media, including the computer. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content. In addition, there are links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which will help unit in which students assess media from an objective point of view while lookingÂ